You've been over the Rickenbacker Bridge and enjoyed the view while you headed out to Carndon Park to enjoy the beach away from the tourists on South Beach. Maybe you will also be out on Key Biscayne this week for the Sony Ericsson Open. If you are out that way this Thursday, or if you want to make the trip to show your support for a new area with craft beer, I'll be hosting a beer tasting at Archie's Pizza. If you have been to any of the Archie's locations before you know they have great pizza. Now they also have a great beer selection. For only $20 you'll be able to sample 40+ beers and enjoy some free pizza. Come on out and say hello.
Thursday, March 25th
Archie's Pizza
600 Crandon Blvd
Key Biscayne, FL
whta time
ReplyDeleteHey thanks for putting this event together. Awesome night. You've gotta do more on Key Biscayne!