I have been sitting on this Weyerbacher Blithering Idiot for about a year now. It has aged quite nicely. It poured a nice amber brown color. Not much of a head. Strong fruity malty with a slightly hoppy smell. Strong malt and fruit taste. Not very noticeable alcohol taste. The mouthfeel is not as thick and aggressive as some barley wines. Good starter if you are new to barley wines. It's not as intensely hoppy as say Sierra Nevada's Bigfoot barley wine. Finishes very smoothly with bit of a hoppy aftertaste. The 11% alcohol is barely noticeable at all. This is very dangerous for such a smooth beer. As the beer warms up a little the alcohol comes out a little more but still very faint. I will have to get a fresher Blithering Idiot and see if it's as mellow as this year old one is. I could easily drink many of these. Though I don't think that would be such a good idea.
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